Been Dazed and Confused for so long it´s not true.

Wanted a woman, never bargained for you.

Lots of people talking and few of them know,

soul of a woman was created below.

You hurt and abuse tellin´ all of your lies.

Run around sweet baby, Lord how they hypnotize.

earned - ganado
confused - confuso
again - de nuevo
created - creado
bargained - negociado
dazed - aturdido
bringin - traer
hypnotize - hipnotizar
abuse - abuso
below - abajo
around - alrededor
every - jeder
gonna - va a
never - nunca
little - pequeño
people - gente
sweet - dulce
talking - hablando
tellin - tellin
where - dónde
woman - Mujer
tongue - lengua
wanted - querido

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