My life has taken me beyond the planets and the stars

And you're the only one that could take me this far

I'll be forever searching for your love

I walked away but I was wrong

You're the one that keeps me strong

You're the fire that keeps me warm

How will I get through this storm?

At night, I pray before I sleep in hope of finding you

I've opened up my heart, I want you to come through

I close my eyes, I'm searching for your love

I walked away but I was wrong

You're the one that keeps me strong

You're the fire that keeps me warm

How will I get through this storm?

Jay-z: I got the bounce Lenny

Check me out

Brooklyn's bad boy back again

Feet hit the ground runnin' and my back's to the wind

Angels on my shoulders, head in the clouds

No, I'm not rappin', I'm just thinkin' real loud

wrong - incorrecto
worse - peor
walked - caminado
trapped - atrapado
thoughts - pensamientos
there - ahí
taken - tomado
storm - tormenta
depth - profundidad
still - todavía
fresh - fresco
finding - hallazgo
heart - corazón
loved - amado
again - de nuevo
raining - lloviendo
heavy - pesado
charm - encanto
blessed - bendito
deceptively - engañosamente
water - agua
night - noche
shoulders - espalda
angels - ángeles
umbrella - paraguas
grace - gracia
judge - juez
average - promedio
through - mediante
check - comprobar
budge - ceder
heaven - cielo
armor - armadura
beyond - más allá
could - podría
close - cerca
lethal - letal
bounce - rebotar
keeps - mantiene
strong - fuerte
forever - siempre
bentley - bentley
broads - broads
ground - suelo
clouds - nubes
homie - homie
flashy - ostentoso
homies - Homies
lefty - zurdo
lenny - lenny
opened - abrió
before - antes de
smart - inteligente
lucky - suerte
searching - buscando
planets - planetas
sleep - dormir
young - joven
stars - estrellas

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