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Lights - Magnetic Field traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

Magnetic Field - Lights

palabras a estudiar

Walk with me though the boneyard

I know you like to play hard

You know I'm easy to convince

How you move through the spaces and can get so persuasive

I haven't been home since

'Cause this full metal alchemy

Just brings up out the best in me each time

Ooh-ooh, and all these sacred memories that summon me, oh my

You just keep me coming back

Something about our opposites attract

You hold me down

I'm in it for real

Love me, leave me high and dry

I'm back in your arms and I don't know why

I can't get around your magnetic field

Don't know if I believe you

And when I try to leave you

I can't turn around

'Cause I can't keep my eyes away