Time stops for no one and moves on unaware
It's easy not to notice
It's easy not to care
Conversation circles
And money changes hands been standing in the middle
I've been caught up in the spin
Out of the confusion
The static and the noise you got my attention
It made me wanna live
Live its the last moonrise
Scream just like none is there
Lose all of my defenses
Hold you touch you love you like its
A very last moment in time
touch - toque
through - mediante
there - ahí
taste - gusto
wanna - quiere
soaking - remojo
world - mundo
scream - gritar
pieces - piezas
notice - darse cuenta
space - espacio
moves - movimientos
moonrise - salida de la luna
money - dinero
these - estas
changes - cambios
caught - atrapado
noise - ruido
circles - círculos
watch - reloj
conversation - conversacion
confusion - confusión
drunk - borracho
attention - atención
standing - en pie
seems - parece
breath - aliento
seeing - viendo
between - entre
beneath - debajo
defenses - defensas
static - estático
around - alrededor
different - diferente
illusion - espejismo
moment - momento
expose - exponer
unaware - inconsciente
falling - que cae
stops - se detiene
hands - manos
middle - medio
letting - dejando
breathe - respirar
little - pequeño
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