Anything fades

and withers away

tomorrow is past. to dose to stay

l've never heard that voice before - nevermore

l've been trying to tease you

l've been trying to please you

how can l make your time worthwhile

Life's to be lived

the road shall be long

let's sing our fate

withers - cruz de caballo
trying - molesto
tomorrow - mañana
tease - molestar
there - ahí
taste - gusto
sweet - dulce
desire - deseo
forever - siempre
clown - payaso
catch - captura
bitterest - amargo
cannot - no poder
remains - permanece
around - alrededor
years - años
blame - culpa
break - descanso
waste - residuos
before - antes de
fades - desvanece
lived - vivió
worthwhile - vale la pena
happy - contento
heard - oído
anything - cualquier cosa
please - por favor
laugh - risa
never - nunca
young - joven
voice - voz
spare - de repuesto
nevermore - nunca más
shall - deberá
smile - sonreír

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