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Loïc Nottet - Dirty ft. Lil Trip traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

Dirty ft. Lil Trip - Loïc Nottet

palabras a estudiar

The playground kids are all the same

They stick together for the game

As they grow up the friendships change

Insulting starts, it's the teen age



I'm down on my knees

Friends now enemies

I'm not looking pretty

Spat upon with hate and mockery

People wanna hurt and injure me

So now the kids are looking dirty

I get sick of trying

I'm worn out fighting prejudice

Wiping off those dirty offenses

So now the kids are looking dirty

The scars and scrapes don't make them frail

Your words won't put them down again

Inside they're damaged but they'll still

Show you that they don't give a shhh...



I'm left standing here

Daring you to throw your stones

I'm not looking pretty

Spat upon with hate and mockery

People wanna hurt and injure me

So now the kids are looking dirty

I get sick of trying

I'm worn out fighting prejudice