I’m too much to die

I'm not enough to stay alive

I'm sitting in the middle waiting

Days since I last pissed

Cheeks sunken and despaired

So gorgeous sunk to six stone

Lose my only remaining home

See my third rib appear

A week later all my flesh disappears

Stretching taut, cling-film on bone

I'm getting better

Karen says I've reached my target weight

Kate and Emma and Kristin know it's fake

Problem is diet's not a big enough word

I wanna be so skinny that I rot from view

I want to walk in the snow

And not leave a footprint

I want to walk in the snow

And not soil its purity

Stomach collapsed at five

wanna - quiere
waiting - esperando
understand - entender
tries - intentos
trembling - temblor
tires - llantas
things - cosas
target - objetivo
skeletal - esquelético
through - mediante
sinking - hundimiento
scatters - dispersos
youth - juventud
starve - morir de hambre
roast - asado
reached - alcanzado
problem - problema
pamper - mimar
epilogue - epílogo
staring - curioso
purity - pureza
despaired - desesperado
dignity - dignidad
twiggy - twiggy
higher - mayor
since - ya que
pissed - molesto
cocoon - capullo
surrounds - rodea
skinny - flaco
breasts - senos
father - padre
choose - escoger
footprint - huella
lovely - encantador
stomach - estómago
cheeks - las mejillas
stalks - tallos
cling - adherirse
flesh - carne
appear - aparecer
worth - valor
disappears - desaparece
choice - elección
choke - ahogo
naked - desnudo
change - cambio
alive - viva
abuse - abuso
sickness - enfermedad
collapsed - colapsado
flower - flor
sunken - hundido
blurred - borroso
beautiful - hermosa
built - construido
third - tercero
passes - pasa
blankly - con la mirada vacía
finally - finalmente
skirt - falda
frenzy - frenesí
shedding - derramamento
better - mejor
getting - consiguiendo
hands - manos
middle - medio
enough - Suficiente
gorgeous - maravilloso
please - por favor
navel - ombligo
horror - horror
never - nunca
stretching - extensión
stone - piedra
hunger - hambre
karen - karen
weight - peso
later - luego
remaining - restante
leave - salir
applaud - aplaudir
looking - mirando
sitting - sentado
mother - madre
plateau - meseta
moved - movido

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