Images of perfection, suntan and napalm


who shall we choose for our morality

I'm thinking right now of Hollywood tragedy

big mac:smack phoenix r:please smile y'all

Cuba, Mexico can't cauterize our discipline

your idols speak so much of the abyss

yet your morals only run as deep as the surface


Tipper Gore was a friend of mine

I love a free country

the stars and stripes and an apple for mommy

conservative say there ain't no black in the union jack

union - unión
vital - vital
unimportant - sin importancia
thinking - pensando
zapruder - Zapruder
thing - cosa
taste - gusto
surface - superficie
stars - estrellas
smile - sonreír
smack - tortazo
serve - servir
saviour - salvador
tragedy - tragedia
right - derecho
problems - problemas
phoenix - fénix
friend - amigo
stripes - rayas
enough - Suficiente
privilege - privilegio
crucified - crucificado
fucked - jodido
number - número
drive - manejar
cauterize - cauterizar
democrat - demócrata
first - primero
excuse - excusa
there - ahí
stats - estadísticas
mexico - méjico
please - por favor
country - país
brady - brady
apple - manzana
white - blanco
speak - hablar
morning - mañana
abyss - abismo
coffee - café
equal - igual
moral - moral
choose - escoger
tipper - volquete
another - otro
discipline - disciplina
harlem - harlem
grace - gracia
found - encontró
conservative - conservador
inner - interior
their - su
morality - moralidad
haiti - Haití
idols - ídolos
shall - deberá
images - imágenes
masturbate - masturbarse
suntan - bronceado
majority - mayoria
mommy - mamá
grenada - Granada
morals - moralidad
napalm - napalm
nicaragua - Nicaragua
perfection - perfección
compton - compton
hollywood - hollywood
poland - Polonia
black - negro
priest - sacerdote

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