Teacher starve your child, P.C. approved

As long as the right words are used

Systemised atrocity ignored

As long as bi-lingual signs on view

Ten foot sign in Oxford Street

Be pure - be vigilant - behave

Grey not neon, grey not real

Life bleeds, death is your birthright

P.C. she speaks impotent, sterile, naive, blind, atheist, sadist,

stiff-upper lip, first principle of her silence, of her silence

PCP - a P.C. police victory

PCP - a P.C. pyrrhic victory

When I was young P.C. meant Police Constable

Nowadays I can't seem to tell the difference

Liposuction for your bad mouth boy

Cut out your tongue, effigies are sold

yourself - tú mismo
yours - tuya
young - joven
vigilant - vigilante
vanity - vanidad
upper - superior
teacher - profesor
surrogate - sustituto
street - calle
stiff - rígido
sterile - estéril
speaks - habla
shakespeare - shakespeare
starve - morir de hambre
right - derecho
remember - recuerda
pyrrhic - пірровий
prozac - prozac
nowadays - hoy en día
child - niño
victory - victoria
beware - tener cuidado
police - policía
lears -
carved - tallado
scared - asustado
meant - significado
unconditional - incondicional
caresses - caricias
through - mediante
bring - traer
amnesiac - amnésico
bigots - fanáticos
death - muerte
lingual - lingual
learnt - aprendido
brother - hermano
difference - diferencia
silence - silencio
cigarette - cigarrillo
atheist - ateo
principle - principio
before - antes de
behave - comportarse
ignored - ignorado
naive - ingenuo
words - palabras
constable - alguacil
sadist - sádico
plastic - el plastico
approved - aprobado
choice - elección
atrocity - atrocidad
midgets - enanos
snuffed - olvido
birthright - patrimonio
bland - amable
first - primero
censorship - censura
doctors - doctores
tongue - lengua
smokers - fumadores
signs - señales
blind - ciego
equals - iguales
discoloured - descolorado
euthanasia - eutanasia
fresh - fresco
gravestone - lápida sepulcral
arrested - detenido
hallucinate - alucinar
impotent - impotente
designer - diseñador
inoculate - inocular
lawyers - abogados
liposuction - liposuccion
bleeds - sangra
feathers - plumas
mouth - boca

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