There’s laughter in the darkness

Music floating in across the bay

He’s half listening and wondering

How he could have let her slip away

So long ago but still he wants to know

If anyone has seen her

And he’s sitting out in the night

Looking down upon the lights of Taormina

They were young and love was shining

Like the colours of the rainbow

Desire felt like choking

Love was smoking under the volcano

He can still taste her kisses

Sweet as the red wine from Messina

Now he’s sitting out in the night

Looking down upon the lights of Taormina

wondering - preguntando
women - mujer
wants - quiere
volcano - volcán
voices - voces
under - debajo
there - ahí
wanderer - vagabundo
taste - gusto
still - todavía
spartan - espartano
sweet - dulce
smoking - de fumar
sitting - sentado
sicily - Sicilia
shore - apuntalar
floating - flotante
ships - naves
forever - siempre
desire - deseo
another - otro
could - podría
conquered - conquistada
ancient - antiguo
thing - cosa
across - a través de
along - a lo largo
antiquity - antigüedad
colours - colores
shining - brillante
crowd - multitud
seems - parece
hands - manos
arena - arena
hears - escucha
their - su
anyone - nadie
emperor - emperador
thousand - mil
calls - llamadas
listening - escuchando
music - música
young - joven
never - nunca
dreams - sueños
choking - asfixia
chimes - carillones
history - historia
darkness - oscuridad
laughter - risa
lights - luces
raise - aumento
senor - señor
lifetime - toda la vida
looking - mirando
mystery - misterio
maybe - tal vez
mists - neblina
night - noche
myths - mitos
roared - rugió
pathway - camino
kisses - besos
rainbow - arco iris
rambled - divagó
ringing - zumbido

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