She makes me sleep outside on the pavement,
Spends my money,
The lights are on but nobody's home,
Now aint that funny,
She likes to tell me when she's met some other A-Z,
She's my sun, yeah the one, and then some,
She says I talk for hours about nothing,
And then about nothing,
I bought a two-week break in the sun,
She says you aint coming,
And after all I count the seconds till she blinks again,
I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love,
Head in the clouds, she eats me whole,
A face in the crowd, my oversoul,
And I'm spinning out, I lose control,
And I don't care,
She says give up boy you're going nowhere,
worst - peor
looking - mirando
after - después
lights - luces
housework - tareas del hogar
whole - todo
funny - gracioso
cooking - cocina
pavement - pavimento
seconds - segundos
count - contar
money - dinero
bought - compró
hours - horas
control - controlar
brand - marca
coffee - café
again - de nuevo
blinks - parpadea
clouds - nubes
going - yendo
coming - viniendo
break - descanso
bullets - balas
television - televisión
someone - alguien
crowd - multitud
pulling - tracción
likes - gustos
makes - hace
naked - desnudo
nothing - nada
thing - cosa
nowhere - en ninguna parte
about - acerca de
other - otro
spinning - hilado
outside - fuera de
poison - veneno
think - pensar
watch - reloj
speaks - habla
sleep - dormir
spends - gasta
there - ahí
turns - vueltas
until - hasta
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