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Melanie Martinez - Orange Juice traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

Orange Juice - Melanie Martinez

palabras a estudiar

Oh, oh, stick it down your throat

I'm watching from the bathroom

Making sure I don't choke, choke

From the words you spoke

When you're screaming at the mirror

Now you're sitting in the cafeteria

Shoving clementines and orange bacteria

Down your throat, a dozen times or near, yeah

Fooling those around of your bulimia

You turn oranges to orange juice

Enter there, then spit it out of you

Your body is imperfectly perfect

Everyone wants what the other one's working

No orange juice

Eee ahh ee ahh O J

Eee ahh ee ahh O J

Eee ahh ee ahh O J

Eee ahh ee ahh O J

Oh, oh, I believe you chose