Clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst

Out at you from their hiding place

Like acid and oil on a madman's face

His reason tends to fly away

Like lesser birds on the four winds

Like silver scrapes in May

And now the sand's become a crust

Most of you have gone away

Come Susie dear, let's take a walk

Just out there upon the beach

I know you'll soon be married

And you'll want to know where winds come from

Well it's never said at all

On the map that Carrie reads

Behind the clock back there you know

At the Four Winds Bar

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Four winds at the Four Winds Bar

winds - vientos
windows - ventanas
where - dónde
warms - aquece
twelve - doce
these - estas
there - ahí
their - su
tends - tiende
hiding - ocultación
fixed - fijo
married - casado
encounter - encuentro
doors - puertas
eternal - eterno
reads - lee
burst - ráfaga
reason - razón
beach - playa
queenly - de reina
barred - prohibido
inference - inferencia
glare - deslumbramiento
gravely - gravemente
light - ligero
crust - corteza
clock - reloj
would - haría
crisis - crisis
carrie - carrie
become - volverse
hellish - infernal
hopelessly - sin esperanza
birds - aves
lesser - menor
mirrors - espejos
locked - bloqueado
duplicate - duplicar
never - nunca
consequent - consiguiente
nexus - nexo
prove - probar
origin - origen
strikes - huelgas
surely - seguramente
other - otro
astronomy - astronomía
place - lugar
themselves - sí mismos
scrapes - rasguños
forget - olvidar
susie - susie
sight - visión
behind - detrás
silver - plata
nurse - enfermera
storms - tormentas

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