When winter comes

When life is frozen

When the moors they hide away under the snow

Fingers of doom

Will clutch the chosen

All beasts will shiver, from the lion to the crow

When winter comes

When times are starkest

When the wailing of the wolves fades with the sun

The wilds are numb

yesterday - ayer
wolves - lobos
wilds - salvajes
walls - muros
wailing - gemidos
under - debajo
turns - vueltas
fingers - dedos
moors - páramos
cower - acobardarse
crawl - gatear
comes - proviene
darkest - más oscuro
beasts - ganado
chosen - elegido
endless - interminable
brave - valiente
clutch - embrague
cease - cesar
rising - creciente
fades - desvanece
winter - invierno
fates - destinos
frozen - congelado
times - veces
truth - verdad
myths - mitos
cycle - ciclo
shiver - temblar
thrones - tronos
starkest - más oscuro

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