Small time boy

Caught in the big city

Losing all my joy

For a life that don't fit me

Got the same old dreams

As a million fools

Stacks of green

And swimming pools

And I used to swear upon wisdom

You got brains to spare you gotta give some

I kick back and flare my ignition

It's time to ride

When I need to feel alive

I just get in my car and drive

When life it starts to break my stride

I just get in my car and ride

From an open window and a stolen ride

Came a broken lifter with a fallen pride

wound - herida
worship - rendir culto
wisdom - sabiduría
white - blanco
gonna - va a
listen - escucha
gettin - gettin
dollar - dólar
fallen - caído
drive - manejar
flare - llamarada
sunny - soleado
brains - sesos
dissent - disentimiento
ignition - encendido
fools - tontos
dreams - sueños
pride - orgullo
whines - quejidos
beside - junto a
caught - atrapado
accounts - cuentas
window - ventana
cries - llantos
alive - viva
swimming - nadando
million - millón
break - descanso
another - otro
blood - sangre
blues - blues
young - joven
broken - roto
stacks - pilas
gotta - tengo que
fountain - fuente
stride - paso
collar - collar
pools - quinielas
their - su
guides - guías
small - pequeña
lifter - levantador
holler - gritar
losing - perdiendo
green - verde
swear - jurar
maniacal - maníaco
moderate - moderar
mountains - montañas
psychotic - psicópata
spare - de repuesto
starts - empieza
stolen - robado

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