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Miracle of Sound - JET BLACK DRESS By Miracle Of Sound traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

JET BLACK DRESS By Miracle Of Sound - Miracle of Sound

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In the cover of the half light

She's a gearing up for war

She's a lioness under that dress

I love to hear her roar

With graceful glide and brazen stride

Her gaze of fire shakes me

I burn to dust get lost in lust

I run she overtakes me

And I can't resist it

Though I know I should

That girl is bad but god she looks so good


And when she wears that jet black dress

I lose my self control to her caress

She wears her confidence with such finesse

Lovin' the jet black dress

Love in the jet black dress

In a sea of lights and glitter

She's a savage she's a shark

Through discoballs and shimmers

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