There once was a farmer from old Flotsam town

Who was tired of sowing his seeds on the ground

He went for a wander and walked till the dawn

Till a wanton old she troll he stumbled upon

And a hey-ho he's ploughing a troll!

The gods only know how the key fits the hole

Around in the stinking great den they did roll

And a hey-ho he's ploughing a troll!

The farmer he knew it was love at first sight

They ploughed through the morning and into the night

With teeth rotten black and a rank leather hide

wanton - sin sentido
wander - deambular
groaned - gruñó
found - encontró
dirty - sucio
sowing - siembra
droop - inclinarse
black - negro
ground - suelo
because - porque
farts - pedos
stone - piedra
first - primero
farmer - agricultor
around - alrededor
bestial - bestial
great - estupendo
scowl - ceño
after - después
excitement - emoción
walked - caminado
burial - entierro
creature - criatura
onion - cebolla
cavernous - cavernoso
bride - novia
guards - guardias
leather - cuero
hideous - horrible
morning - mañana
ploughed - arado
stinking - maloliente
ploughing - arada
troll - troll
rotten - podrido
mound - montículo
sight - visión
flotsam - pecio
seeds - semillas
started - empezado
tired - cansado
stumbled - tropezó
night - noche
teeth - dientes
there - ahí
fixed - fijo
bones - huesos
through - mediante

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