On the metal world of Cybertron

There is a rockin' robot race

Two warring tribes are laying waste

To a once great shining place

Molten metal fires

Dot the alloy and the chrome

Sparks and twisted wires

Stain the surface of our home

The Autobots are hunted

By the cruel Decepticons

The slaughter is directed

By the evil Megatron

This metal robo-Stalin

Only has one equal foe

So ready up your battle cry

It's time to let him know...


We're gonna blow these stinkin' cons away


We're makin' a bigger mess than Michael Bay


They're gonna pay for tearin' up our home


Pedal to metal time to kick some chrome!

Starsceam is an idiot

world - mundo
wires - alambres
witwicky - Witwicky
weaker - más débil
waste - residuos
warring - combatiendo
twisted - retorcido
surface - superficie
stars - estrellas
stalin - stalin
stain - manchar
squash - squash
sparks - moscas
slaughter - sacrificio
shout - gritar
rumble - retumbar
robot - robot
ready - listo
swindle - estafa
place - lugar
fizzle - efervescencia
beryllium - berilio
function - función
shining - brillante
phoney - falso
fires - incendios
course - curso
great - estupendo
crumble - desmoronarse
compared - comparado
leave - salir
their - su
circuits - circuitos
laying - puesta
tribes - tribus
there - ahí
cybertron - cybertron
inferior - inferior
market - mercado
nowhere - en ninguna parte
equal - igual
battle - batalla
michael - miguel
behind - detrás
alloy - aleación
cease - cesar
piloting - пілотування
bigger - más grande
burning - ardiente
cruel - cruel
chrome - cromo
ghetto - ghetto
gonna - va a
these - estas
pedal - pedal
directed - dirigido
cosmos - cosmos
gotta - tengo que
kinda - un poco
hears - escucha
hunted - cazado
cause - porque
idiot - idiota
interior - interior
leader - líder
baloney - camelo
megatron - 威震
decepticons - Decepticons
metal - metal
molten - fundido
muscles - músculos

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