Skellige winds a wild a wild
Skellige winds a wild
Carry us on the tide the tide
Conquer the hills and isles
Oars in the morn and a tankard in the eve
Shores ever churn and the anchors ever heave
Oars in the morn
On the weather to weave
Skellige winds a wild a wild
Skellige winds a wild
Up on the peak unite, unite
Tether and reconcile
Borne through the storms, grant the rudders and oars relief
winter - invierno
weave - tejido
weather - clima
waves - olas
tether - atar
tankard -
winds - vientos
storms - tormentas
soaring - altísimo
skellige - skellige
shores - orillas
mutton - carne de cordero
forever - siempre
kindred - parientes
churn - batir
frosted - escarchado
conquer - conquistar
shelter - abrigo
grant - conceder
carry - llevar
reconcile - conciliar
unite - unir
anchors - anclajes
blessed - bendito
borne - llevado
breast - pecho
hills - colinas
rudders - timones
painting - pintura
relief - alivio
isles - islas
revelry - jolgorio
roaring - rugido
through - mediante
heave - tirón
sails - paño
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