
From the circuits of man

Aspire to break and to batter



Hardwired to shake and to shatter

Onto the burning frontiers now deploy

Titans of industry build to destroy

Bring on the burn!!

Bring on the burn!!

Brace and return!!

The synergy of man and machine

The symmetry and connections between

The power and the pace

titans - titanes
through - mediante
symmetry - simetría
synergy - Sinergia
stride - paso
space - espacio
smoke - fumar
shatter - romper
power - poder
frontiers - fronteras
complete - completar
bring - traer
connections - conexiones
return - regreso
machine - máquina
bringing - trayendo
hardwired - cableado
braun - braun
industry - industria
break - descanso
aspire - aspirar
brute - bruto
future - futuro
circuits - circuitos
speed - Velocidad
force - fuerza
shake - sacudir
between - entre
brace - abrazadera
clean - limpiar
build - construir
deploy - desplegar
nimble - ágil
contention - contención
rivalries - rivalidades
destroy - destruir
burning - ardiente
dominate - dominar
batter - masa
experience - experiencia
hardened - curtido
domination - a felesleges vagy a véletlenszerűen elhagyott

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