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Miracle of Sound - WITCHER 3 CIRI SONG: Lady Of Worlds traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

WITCHER 3 CIRI SONG: Lady Of Worlds - Miracle of Sound

palabras a estudiar

Im here again

No place and everywhere

Black bark and smouldering air

My influence

Another turn

Another peace to shun

Gauntlet of frost to run

No difference

Back and forth on the pendulum

Swinging hard towards the outside

Smash the walls of the clocks and run

Overcoming the confines

Time and space on the frailest veil

Frozen cold in the static

Bloody blades under hatreds sails

Tearing out through the fabric

The shimmer of white skies

I spin to & fro

A flicker of wild eyes

Gifts I cant control

The shimmer of white skies

The legacy leashed in my cries

Shall reign over bitter white skies

I pay the debt

Muse to anothers song

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