I’m here again

No place and everywhere

Black bark and smouldering air

My influence

Another turn

Another peace to shun

Gauntlet of frost to run

No difference

Back and forth on the pendulum

Swinging hard towards the outside

Smash the walls of the clocks and run

Overcoming the confines

Time and space on the frailest veil

Frozen cold in the static

Bloody blades under hatred’s sails

Tearing out through the fabric

The shimmer of white skies

I spin to & fro

A flicker of wild eyes

Gifts I can’t control

The shimmer of white skies

The legacy leashed in my cries

Shall reign over bitter white skies

I pay the debt

Muse to another’s song

worth - valor
white - blanco
weave - tejido
together - juntos
through - mediante
these - estas
towards - hacia
tearing - desgarro
swirl - remolino
walls - muros
troubled - preocupado
strands - hebras
static - estático
smouldering - latente
smash - aplastar
skies - cielo
shore - apuntalar
under - debajo
frost - escarcha
wrongs - errores
leashed - con correa
flicker - parpadeo
entwine -
space - espacio
difference - diferencia
black - negro
misty - brumoso
embers - ascuas
crown - corona
cries - llantos
everywhere - en todos lados
spins - giros
dance - baile
bitter - amargo
fabric - tela
blades - cuchillas
confines - fronteras
bloody - sangriento
overcoming - superando
shimmer - brillar
forth - adelante
hands - manos
frozen - congelado
unwanted - no deseado
gauntlet - guantelete
gifts - regalos
hatred - odio
distant - distante
reign - reinado
swinging - balanceo
haunted - obsesionado
fated - predestinado
influence - influencia
again - de nuevo
legacy - legado
worlds - mundos
sails - paño
longer - más
night - noche
losing - perdiendo
outside - fuera de
control - controlar
clocks - relojes
peace - paz
pendulum - péndulo
another - otro
place - lugar
separated - apartado
lives - vive
shall - deberá

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