Healed, or are you still just reeling?

Are you fine? Have you found a way to escape?

Are you here, just because I need you?

Can we hold up, a big freeze is heading our way.

We are on a hiding to nowhere,

We still hope, but our dreams are not the same.

And I, I lost before I started,

I’m collapsing in stellar clouds of gas.

Hear me. What words just can’t convey.

universe - universo
truths - verdades
still - todavía
stellar - estelar
started - empezado
prove - probar
nowhere - en ninguna parte
storm - tormenta
mercy - misericordia
loneliest - el más solitario
hiding - ocultación
decay - decaer
words - palabras
collapsing - colapsando
clouds - nubes
beautiful - hermosa
reeling - tambaleándose
leave - salir
convey - transmitir
because - porque
becoming - devenir
winning - victorioso
electrical - eléctrico
expelled - expulsado
escape - escapar
dreams - sueños
faith - fe
heart - corazón
magic - magia
before - antes de
fight - lucha
hearts - copas
found - encontró
force - fuerza
freeze - congelar
something - alguna cosa
goodness - bondad
destroyed - destruido
healed - curado
heading - título

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