I remember when we were children playing in the fields, I loved you truely even then and you know I always will. Climbin' over creek banks down by the cotton gin. Chasin' papa's billy goat tearin' my petticoat you cried when I got a whippin'. You cried when my puppy died just because I cried.

And I've heard you laugh when in my heart I knew you wanted to cry and when the truth it might have hurt me I've heard you tell a lie and that is why I love you like I do.

sweet - dulce
smile - sonreír
puppy - perrito
playing - jugando
might - podría
carry - llevar
cried - llorado
truth - verdad
truely - verdaderamente
blindly - a ciegas
petticoat - enaguas
cotton - algodón
never - nunca
child - niño
times - veces
billy - porra
banks - bancos
laugh - risa
always - siempre
gentle - amable
wanted - querido
bright - brillante
within - dentro
heard - oído
because - porque
seems - parece
children - niños
anticipation - anticipación
behind - detrás
creek - arroyo
fields - campos
remember - recuerda
first - primero
knows - sabe
heart - corazón
loved - amado

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