feat. Chrisette Michele)


There comes a day in ya life

When ya wanna kick back

Straw hat on the porch

When you old perhaps

Wanna gather your thoughts

Have a cold one, brag

To your grandkids on how life is golden

So I'ma light a cigar in the corridor of the crib

Pictures on the wall of all the things that I did

All the money and fame, 8x10's of the whole Rat Pack inside of a big frame

Colliding with big names that coulda made your career stop

All that, and your man is still here, and I'm still hot

Wow! I need a moment y'all, see I almost felt a tear drop...


When was the last time you heard a real anthem?

Nas, the millionaire, the mansion

When was the last time you heard your boy Nas rhyme?

Never on schedule, but always on time

[Chorus: Chrisette Michelle]

These streets hold my deepest days

This hood taught me golden ways

Made me (truly this is what made me)

Break me (not a thing's gonna break me)

world - mundo
whole - todo
wanna - quiere
verse - verso
unforgettable - inolvidable
tyson - tyson
tired - cansado
times - veces
thoughts - pensamientos
history - historia
anthem - himno
gonna - va a
these - estas
lines - líneas
golden - dorado
douglas - douglas
gives - da
record - grabar
background - fondo
things - cosas
gangsta - gangsta
bridge - puente
crimes - crímenes
school - colegio
grammy - grammy
irregular - irregular
truly - verdaderamente
gather - reunir
millionaire - millonario
break - descanso
forever - siempre
finals - finales
became - convirtió
about - acerca de
jazzy - llamativo
forget - olvidar
after - después
prince - príncipe
steady - estable
taught - enseñó
chorus - coro
frame - marco
grandkids - nietos
aight - una noche
fresh - fresco
enough - Suficiente
heard - oído
schedule - programar
coulda - coulda
almost - casi
michele - michele
greater - mayor
bringing - trayendo
porch - porche
nostalgic - nostálgico
person - persona
first - primero
sales - ventas
career - carrera
chills - resfriado
dreamer - soñador
cigar - cigarro
always - siempre
spinning - hilado
there - ahí
comes - proviene
names - nombres
corridor - corredor
mansion - palacio
inspired - inspirado
syllable - sílaba
lifelong - para toda la vida
deepest - más profundo
broke - rompió
place - lugar
lifestyle - estilo de vida
wrestler - luchador
inside - dentro
light - ligero
michelle - michelle
money - dinero
motown - motown
never - nunca
nothing - nada
numbers - [object Object]
ooooh - ooooh
perhaps - quizás
remember - recuerda
retirement - jubilación
rhyme - rima
james - james
creative - creativo
moment - momento
right - derecho
colliding - colisionar
pictures - imágenes
robert - [object Object]
flash - destello
sample - muestra
heinous - atroz

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