
Uh, 2000 G

Yo, I need an encore y'all, you should welcome me back

You wanna ball till you fall, I can help you with that

You want beef? I could let a slug melt in your hat

Cuz I'm a wild barbarian, too hard, I'm scarin' 'em

Century 21 solar eclipse

While you listenin' to the words that I wrote on the disc

Thelonius, my description is do-rags, pants sag down to my feet

AK is my heat, everyday in the street till I lay six feet

QB, PJs, and we playin' for keeps

Jewelry, cars and Jeeps is my motto

Four-fives with the hollows, silencers on the nozzles

Pop bottles with those who left here

The best years, wearin a bulletproof vest years

The aim for the head and chest years

What's your name? Make your name known

For the next year's, better rep, yeah

[1] - Nasty, Nas the Esco to Escobar

Now he is Nastrodamus

Nasty, Nas the Esco to Escobar

Now he is Nastrodamus

Nasty, Nas the Esco to Escobar

Now he is Nastrodamus

Nasty, Nas the Esco to Escobar

Now he is Nastrodamus

I let y'all niggas bang my shit before Saddam hits

The Nastrodamus tell us what time it is

I was the first one on that Don shit

First nigga to sing a hook on some TJ Swan shit

years - años
wrote - escribió
wound - herida
while - mientras
weigh - pesar
watches - relojes
understand - entender
heels - talones
godly - piadoso
century - siglo
scoop - cuchara
fives - cinco
legend - leyenda
welcome - bienvenido
first - primero
street - calle
everyday - cada día
brown - marrón
females - hembras
escobar - escobar
eclipse - eclipse
description - descripción
could - podría
chips - papas fritas
bentleys - bentley
gucci - gucci
gigabytes - gigabytes
again - de nuevo
finger - dedo
nasty - asqueroso
things - cosas
before - antes de
hollows - huecos
jewelry - joyería
chest - pecho
barbarian - bárbaro
another - otro
bitch - perra
fiends - demonios
bullet - bala
black - negro
bulletproof - a prueba de balas
drivers - conductores
peace - paz
alone - solo
throne - trono
homeboy - hogareño
solar - solar
bread - pan de molde
where - dónde
thought - pensamiento
brethren - hermanos
level - nivel
gators - Gators
broke - rompió
nozzles - boquillas
better - mejor
bricks - ladrillos
encore - bis
smoke - fumar
clips - clips
burnt - quemado
leave - salir
honor - honor
bottles - botellas
hotels - hoteles
streets - calles
killed - delicado
multiply - multiplicar
should - debería
known - conocido
lamborghini - lamborghini
those - aquellos
laptops - laptops
words - palabras
heads - cabezas
later - luego
porches - porches
masks - máscaras
money - dinero
motto - lema
nation - nación
nigga - Nigga
chill - frío
niggas - Niggas
saddam - saddam
bikes - bicicletas
ninja - ninja
wanna - quiere
pants - pantalones
physically - físicamente
babies - criaturas
keeps - mantiene
projects - proyectos
heaven - cielo
raise - aumento
repeat - repetir
right - derecho
wearin - vestirse
weapons - armas

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