
Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them dumbs at?

Where where them dumbs at?


I slow dance with the Devil

Snow setting in the bezzle

Mo' sipping, phantom bumping Aaron Neville

Polo black scented, eyes squinted

Air Force One's, with my own patent in it

Fresher than a star, glowing up in the galaxy

Pagan holidays, are way far from my reality

Far through Evisu jeans, lethal green

Oliver peoples shades when I creep through Queens

With no AKs, I'm the ambassador

Robin Hood in the Aston Mart.

Lotta blood gonna splash in war

Task force homicide, federalies gonna arrest

But y'all ain't never seen nothing

whether - si
where - dónde
traffic - tráfico
taste - gusto
table - mesa
swiftness - rapidez
street - calle
stand - estar
sprayed - rociado
specifically - específicamente
smooth - suave
smoke - fumar
slaves - esclavos
sipping - bebiendo
speech - habla
scented - perfumado
royce - royce
rolls - rollos
robin - robin
question - pregunta
pusher - arribista
proof - prueba
printing - impresión
presidents - presidentes
wanna - quiere
plasma - plasma
phantom - fantasma
patrick - Patricio
smash - aplastar
dollar - dólar
maybach - maybach
sickest - enfermo
dance - baile
shades - sombras
criteria - criterios
sparking - chispas
queens - reinas
could - podría
close - cerca
squinted - entrecerrado
circle - circulo
brainiac - cerebro
dollars - dólares
green - verde
cigars - cigarros
glowing - brillante
chrome - cromo
dangerous - peligroso
chick - polluelo
dumbs - tonto
fresher - novato
channel - canal
changed - cambiado
wrapped - envuelto
homicide - homicidio
change - cambio
chances - posibilidades
etiquette - etiqueta
creep - arrastrarse
dimes - dimes
conglomerate - conglomerado
betcha - betcha
flashing - brillante
ancestors - antepasados
about - acerca de
message - mensaje
trick - truco
aaron - aaron
blood - sangre
chorus - coro
ambassador - embajador
diamonds - diamantes
setting - ajuste
bring - traer
skull - cráneo
elbows - codos
brains - sesos
diversified - diversificado
devil - diablo
arrest - arrestar
hendrix - Hendrix
million - millón
regular - regular
bitch - perra
bumping - golpeando
silencing - silenciamiento
bridge - puente
busting - revienta
bench - banco
ladies - señoras
chains - cadenas
floor - piso
black - negro
force - fuerza
guitar - guitarra
froze - congelado
first - primero
funds - fondos
poltergeist - duende
groom - novio

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