Tap dancing, falling over my own two feet

Hoping that you like what you see in disguise

I'm tap dancing, making up the moves as I go along

Forgetting all the words to my song until I cry

Just doing what I can

For you to like me

Hiding the clown I am

Deep down inside me

Don't look too closely, just clap your hands

Don't think you know me, just cue the band

Let me tap dance for you

Let me tap dance for you

Tap dancing over all the marks on the floor

words - palabras
wanna - quiere
until - hasta
understand - entender
truth - verdad
these - estas
should - debería
think - pensar
something - alguna cosa
shoes - zapatos
really - de verdad
pretending - fingiendo
maybe - tal vez
might - podría
curtain - cortina
afraid - asustado
closely - cercanamente
asking - preguntando
dancing - bailando
while - mientras
moves - movimientos
dance - baile
forgetting - olvidando
enough - Suficiente
disguise - disfraz
clown - payaso
along - a lo largo
falling - que cae
gonna - va a
smile - sonreír
hands - manos
inside - dentro
floor - piso
doing - obra
hiding - ocultación
hoping - esperando
judge - juez
making - fabricación
marks - marcas

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