Clicks, clicks, clicks
They'll do anything to get a few
Tick, tick, tick
That's the sound before my head explodes
Quit, quit, quit
Look at you up on your pedestals
Quick, quick, quick
Here the critics come, it's time to go
I read your article, it kind of hurt me
I don't know who hired you
Or what your friends say in your circle
But the fact that you released it tells me two things are for certain
They get paid for trashin' people, I get paid 'cause I stay workin'
Drop The Search and they emerge up
Out of nowhere to the surface
Just to peek behind the curtain
Throwin' salt at all my burdens
I'm aware I shouldn't give this my attention
Life's a journey, I should just stay on my path and learn to laugh
You think they heard me?
Ears are burning, put 'em out
Quiet, quiet, look around
Why don't they find someone way more interesting to write about?
Us we're kinda boring, aren't we?
All we do is whine and pout
It's confusing, so amusing
How I argue with myself (Hello)
I spit it with ease, so leave it to me
You doubt it but you better believe
I'm on a rampage hit 'em with the record release
Dependin' the week, I'm prolly gonna have to achieve another goal, let me go
When I'm over the beat I go into beast mode, like I'm ready to feast
I'm fed up with these thieves, tryna get me to bleed
They wanna see me take an L? Yup, see what I mean?
How many records I gotta give you to get with the program?
Taken for granted, I'm 'bout to give you the whole plan
Open your mind up and take a look at the blueprint
Debate if you gotta, but gotta hold it with both hands to pick up the bars
write - escribir
whine - gimoteo
wanna - quiere
tryna - tryna
times - veces
twice - dos veces
tight - apretado
through - mediante
thought - pensamiento
though - aunque
these - estas
swing - oscilación
surface - superficie
spread - untado
someone - alguien
should - debería
scene - escena
shoot - disparar
search - buscar
right - derecho
rigged - amañado
released - liberado
release - lanzamiento
records - archivos
record - grabar
raise - aumento
quite - bastante
quiet - tranquilo
quick - rápido
proof - prueba
taken - tomado
prolly - prolly
program - programa
ready - listo
believe - creer
curtain - cortina
think - pensar
shades - sombras
critics - críticos
really - de verdad
discrete - discreto
crashes - choques
decide - decidir
demise - fallecimiento
mental - mental
claim - Reclamación
confusing - confuso
cause - porque
sound - sonar
hired - contratado
burning - ardiente
friends - amigos
breeze - brisa
blueprint - cianotipo
bleed - sangrar
often - a menudo
boring - aburrido
close - cerca
apologize - pedir disculpas
explodes - explota
anything - cualquier cosa
argue - discutir
rampage - alboroto
heart - corazón
advise - aconsejar
wreck - ruina
better - mejor
article - artículo
behind - detrás
circle - circulo
doubt - duda
around - alrededor
corner - esquina
another - otro
debate - debate
accept - aceptar
gonna - va a
moves - movimientos
achieve - lograr
advice - consejo
lives - vive
assume - asumir
undivided - indiviso
listen - escucha
whole - todo
empathize - empatizarse
jeopardize - poner en peligro
about - acerca de
burdens - cargas
aware - consciente
kinda - un poco
improvise - improvisar
rhyme - rima
difficult - difícil
smart - inteligente
amusing - divertido
divides - divide
forced - forzado
heard - oído
journey - viaje
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