I let you put it in my mouth
I let it get under my skin
I let you put it in my veins
I let you take me from within
They tell us what we can and cannot do
Same thing we have heard 100 times before
Well, I put you inside of me
But none of that matters anymore
My God, can it go any faster?
Oh my God, I don't think I can last here
whole - todo
under - debajo
turning - torneado
times - veces
through - mediante
found - encontró
cannot - no poder
faster - más rápido
behind - detrás
everything - todo
right - derecho
finally - finalmente
mouth - boca
becoming - devenir
thing - cosa
before - antes de
veins - venas
anymore - nunca más
within - dentro
heard - oído
repeat - repetir
inside - dentro
leave - salir
matters - importa
alone - solo
think - pensar
something - alguna cosa
never - nunca
place - lugar
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