All the itchy flakes, it is a flaming

All the gels and cremes it is pertaining

To a fungus mold cured by injection

Hope it's only ah, a yeast infection

Oh well, it burns when I

It hurts when I pee

Oh well, it hurts when I

It hurts when I see

worms - gusanos
which - cual
vomit - vómito
sugared - azucarado
stomach - estómago
stained - manchado
sludge - lodo
pizza - pizza
cured - curado
cloudy - nublado
blood - sangre
consist - consistir
hurts - duele
chowder - sopa de pescado
dance - baile
becoming - devenir
yellow - amarillo
toilet - baño
booger - booger
yeast - levadura
burns - quemaduras
vaseline - vaselina
flakes - copos
flaming - llameante
fleas - pulgas
floor - piso
oatmeal - harina de avena
infection - infección
injection - inyección
diarrhoea - diarrea
fungus - hongo
mucus - moco
itchy - picante
pertaining - perteneciente

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