C-C-C-Cinnamon lips and candy kisses, on my tongue. Fun!
B-B-B-Buttery eyes, if only cries could come from those eyes. Oh!
Have you landed yet and, if so, would you let me know?
I'm tired of looking up into those starry eyes.
Does it rain where you are? Does it snow?
And, if so, remind me not to go there, the weather affects my knee.
I've never felt this way before.
would - haría
tongue - lengua
tired - cansado
those - aquellos
counting - contando
powder - polvo
cinnamon - canela
cheeks - las mejillas
sleep - dormir
could - podría
adieu - adiós
sundays - domingos
buttery - mantecoso
affects - afecta
cries - llantos
kisses - besos
landed - aterrizado
weather - clima
looking - mirando
before - antes de
mundane - mundano
never - nunca
candy - caramelo
sheep - oveja
where - dónde
remind - recordar
starry - estrellado
there - ahí
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