And on the furthest day when you lay down

Discard your disarray and your rusted crown

And face the wretched image of you and I

No trust in what you say, you are a dead poison seed

Stronger when you are away, you have nothing that I need

The rhyme has settled in the ghost of a sigh

Nothing now remains, now you will leave me be

Sunrise into the moonlight

A broken body lies in wait

Your prize won you the stark night

And you made peace with your fate

Blind eyes sensitive only to white light

wretched - desdichado
wreath - guirnalda
wasteland - yermo
trust - confianza
thought - pensamiento
there - ahí
sunrise - amanecer
stronger - más fuerte
something - alguna cosa
white - blanco
sneering - burlador y despreciativo
settled - colocado
sensitive - sensible
schemes - esquemas
rusted - oxidado
stark - rígido
river - río
blind - ciego
lifeline - línea de vida
remains - permanece
thine - tus
favor - favor
design - diseño
collecting - coleccionar
building - edificio
everything - todo
moonlight - luz de la luna
crown - corona
winter - invierno
despair - desesperación
comfort - comodidad
barren - estéril
believer - creyente
secret - secreto
prize - premio
flowers - flores
changing - cambiando
allow - permitir
broken - roto
would - haría
flourish - florecer
forsake - abandonar
captive - cautivo
ghost - fantasma
discard - descarte
giving - dando
gospel - evangelio
heart - corazón
rhyme - rima
behind - detrás
image - imagen
immune - inmune
tread - huella
insecurity - inseguridad
nothing - nada
leave - salir
peace - paz
light - ligero
furthest - más lejos
poison - veneno
everyone - todo el mundo
means - medio
disarray - desorden
might - podría
breathe - respirar
night - noche
preying - atacando
purity - pureza
reacting - reaccionando

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