An afternoon walk through the park

I keep to the shadows until it's dark

I am not educated nor free of sin

I carry thoughts of giving in

There is a void surrounding me

No sound, and in the black I can not see

There is a chasm between you and me

You have no face, no body, no words to speak

There is a wickedness in me

I can't seem to make it go away

I am a spiritual leper but I can see

words - palabras
voice - voz
until - hasta
through - mediante
there - ahí
thoughts - pensamientos
tells - dice
surrounding - rodeando
stark - rígido
strange - extraño
spiritual - espiritual
shadows - oscuridad
never - nunca
speak - hablar
black - negro
between - entre
believers - creyentes
robot - robot
liquefied - licuado
afternoon - tarde
astray - por mal camino
wickedness - malicia
behind - detrás
brings - trae
blend - mezcla
night - noche
always - siempre
crows - cuervos
tears - lágrimas
chasm - 裂口
sound - sonar
giving - dando
early - temprano
educated - educado
carry - llevar
flock - rebaño
glance - vistazo
leader - líder
leper - leproso
eternal - eterno
minds - mentes

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