Far too long I'm lost in the desert storm
Wandering aimlessly and so war torn
A deserted town appears in sight, for day by day and night by night
Her voice lures me back into the twilight
She says that I am like a leech - Vampire - In ghost town
She says I like when people bleed - Vampire - Vampire in a ghost town
Maybe this is the reason why all people leave
storm - tormenta
without - sin
still - todavía
silent - silencio
vampire - vampiro
sight - visión
disease - enfermedad
reason - razón
bleed - sangrar
blame - culpa
ghost - fantasma
voice - voz
leaves - hojas
think - pensar
alone - solo
wandering - errante
deserted - abandonado
choice - elección
thoughts - pensamientos
route - ruta
appears - aparece
leech - sanguijuela
desert - desierto
lures - señuelos
aimlessly - sin rumbo
astray - por mal camino
fractious - huysuz
steered - dirigido
night - noche
force - fuerza
leave - salir
twilight - crepúsculo
reserve - reserva
maybe - tal vez
people - gente
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