"The summer of 2003, after the mania ending, the depression, like, I tried to do, I mean, I was still in school
But I tried to do some part-time work, and, it wasn't happening
It was too, overwhelming
'Cause that's one of the major things with depression that I've experienced
It's just this really crippling sense of being overwhelmed
By things that aren't even my responsibility
would - haría
where - dónde
usually - generalmente
upside - boca arriba
thought - pensamiento
supervisors - supervisores
store - almacenar
suddenly - repentinamente
still - todavía
something - alguna cosa
sense - sentido
responsibility - responsabilidad
things - cosas
forward - adelante
following - siguiendo
managing - gerente
drive - manejar
crippling - herida
driving - conducción
depression - depresión
summer - verano
ability - capacidad
mania - manía
could - podría
construction - construcción
tried - intentó
actually - actualmente
affects - afecta
hospitalization - hospitalización
because - porque
major - mayor
after - después
experienced - experimentado
attempt - intento
bosses - jefes
tough - difícil
there - ahí
school - colegio
question - pregunta
places - lugares
consistently - consecuentemente
pretty - bonita
being - siendo
right - derecho
issue - problema
point - punto
upfront - en la delantera
going - yendo
ending - finalizando
gonna - va a
medication - medicación
about - acerca de
other - otro
happening - sucediendo
crushed - aplastada
having - teniendo
employers - empleadores
grocery - tienda de comestibles
really - de verdad
remember - recuerda
honest - honesto
times - veces
impair - perjudicar
manage - gestionar
medical - médico
overwhelmed - abrumado
suicide - suicidio
overwhelming - abrumador
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