
The world at my sneakers,

Gold pieces moulded with Jesus features,

Give streets the fever from the way I spit the Ether,

Came on the scene at 19 a gritty fiend for,

Money, power, respect, get it by any means uh,

New Yorker, slick talker, walk like a brick flipper,

Decimal doctor, multiply to get richer,

I'm a entrepreneur, I'm the heart of the city,

I'm a part of the sewers, I'm the honorable diddy,

I taste the dirt in my sweat, that's from the Harlem struggle,

All in my swagger that's the reason why I got my hustle,

I got the highest stature, Miami diamond flasher,

I got you caught in the most flyest and stylish rapture,

My signature next to Christopher Wallace, get it honest,

My first album through to him, that was my biggest project,

Now I'm the illest known to walk like the illest soldier,

And when I smoke, only roll up with the illest doja

You sit and mull it over my venom a killer cobra,

It's Harlem USA I diddy bop and shop with Oprah,

(Yeah nigga, what.)

[Cee-lo, Chorus]

Nigga what,

From my voice I'm killing 'em,

I shed my blood,

About everything I love,


To the eye blacker, over handed face the palm smacker,

Good scrapper, cat stacker, good wood packer,

Tear up the Dom P wrappers faster,

Platinum patrone splasher, fuck cris, spit atcha,

I call it rich ignorant laughter,

Black American express card all grey now, its scratched up,

From constant usage, girl kidnapper, pop tags off tags,

wrist - muñeca
wrappers - envoltorios
world - mundo
whipping - flagelación
wallace - wallace
venom - veneno
vegas - vegas
unforgivable - imperdonable
tracy - tracy
truck - camión
taylor - taylor
swagger - pavonearse
suits - trajes
stylish - elegante
yorker - yorker
strip - tira
strictly - estrictamente
yellow - amarillo
streets - calles
stopper - tapón
think - pensar
spray - rociar
spend - gastar
soldier - soldado
sweat - sudor
sneakers - zapatillas
smoke - fumar
smacker - besazo
slide - diapositiva
signature - firma
sewers - alcantarillas
usage - uso
scratched - rayado
scrapper - peleón
scraggly - ralo
school - colegio
scene - escena
robber - ladrón
realest - más real
roaster - tostador
project - proyecto
summer - verano
polar - polar
pineapple - piña
voice - voz
pieces - piezas
persona - persona
percent - por ciento
packer - envasador
wearing - vistiendo
studded - tachonado
pablo - pablo
ether - éter
cobra - cobra
doctor - doctor
breeze - brisa
nostra - nostra
culture - cultura
paisley - cachemir
fiend - demonio
cruising - crucero
haiti - Haití
copping - copping
colder - más frío
christopher - christopher
choppers - helicópteros
tried - intentó
chorus - coro
killer - asesino
caught - atrapado
decimal - decimal
diddy - diddy
bentley - bentley
clothes - ropa
chain - cadena
phantom - fantasma
moulded - moldeado
bitch - perra
canary - canario
paper - papel
express - exprimir
cartier - cartier
yearly - anual
sagging - hundimiento
figures - figuras
pinky - rosado
other - otro
bandanas - pañuelos
monster - monstruo
cigar - cigarro
vehicles - vehiculos
biggest - más grande
heart - corazón
boeing - boeing
entrepreneur - empresario
slobber - baba
cologne - Colonia
atcha - atcha
fever - fiebre
green - verde

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