As Gods creations fail through honesty

One last salvation returns again decayed

Scorn through desperation

Searing devastation

The strong collapsing in my wake

Heed the Gods of ancient begin their reign

The Gods of ancient begin their reign

Evolved damnation, pains insanity

Our lost salvation we spurn, condemn, we slay

Scorn through deprivation

through - mediante
strong - fuerte
stars - estrellas
spilled - derramado
searing - agudo
returns - devoluciones
pains - esfuerzos
learning - aprendizaje
until - hasta
others - otros
insanity - locura
crawling - rastreo
reign - reinado
condemnation - condenación
collapsing - colapsando
blood - sangre
ordered - ordenado
damnation - condenación
decayed - deteriorado
feeding - alimentación
constellations - constelaciones
devastation - devastación
ancient - antiguo
salvation - salvación
among - entre
heeding - atendiendo
their - su
honesty - honestidad
order - orden
condemn - condenar
scorn - desdén
again - de nuevo
deprivation - privación
despised - despreciado
begin - empezar
creations - creaciones
desperation - desesperación
spurn - rechazar
evolved - evolucionado
fearing - temiendo

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