This is life,

This is worthless,

Is There consequence.

This apathy is murderous.

Hope is dead,

Buried by regret,

Alive for nothing,

And dying for even less.

Is This the path we've chosen,

Our mind and our future left to rot.

These lives are worth nothing,

Our lives worth nothing,


As we watch our dreams turn into dust,

Into dust.

worthless - sin valor
worth - valor
eating - comiendo
future - futuro
dying - moribundo
dreams - sueños
corpse - cadáver
destroy - destruir
consumed - consumado
ghosts - fantasmas
rising - creciente
clawed - garra
beneath - debajo
against - en contra
chosen - elegido
flesh - carne
buried - enterrado
alive - viva
burning - ardiente
forgotten - olvidado
consequence - consecuencia
armed - armado
fueled - alimentado
broken - roto
their - su
apathy - apatía
deceased - fallecido
working - trabajando
blood - sangre
there - ahí
murderous - asesino
grain - grano
casts - moldes
haunted - obsesionado
hearts - copas
hollow - hueco
shadows - oscuridad
teeth - dientes
lives - vive
nothing - nada
world - mundo
regret - lamentar
unanswered - sin respuesta
revenge - venganza
sheets - sábanas
these - estas
voiceless - sin voz
generation - generacion
watch - reloj

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