I shut and lock the front door.

No way in or out.

I turned and walked the hallway, and pulled the curtains down.

I knelt and emptied the mouth of every plug around.

But nothing's sound.

Oh, oh. Nothing's sound.

I stayed where my last step left me.

Ignored all my rounds

Soon I was seeing visions and cracks along the walls.

Oh. They were upside down. Oh. Oh.

I swallow my words to keep from lying.

words - palabras
walked - caminado
upside - boca arriba
things - cosas
swallowed - tragado
swallow - golondrina
surfaced - salió a la superficie
where - dónde
stayed - se quedó
state - estado
sound - sonar
seeing - viendo
rounds - rondas
three - tres
since - ya que
pulled - tirado
mouth - boca
turned - convertido
every - jeder
change - cambio
visions - visiones
being - siendo
overwhelmed - abrumado
along - a lo largo
knelt - arrodillado
aground - encallado
about - acerca de
curtains - cortinas
front - frente
around - alrededor
hiding - ocultación
walls - muros
seems - parece
breath - aliento
diving - buceo
longer - más
biting - mordaz
emptied - vaciado
lying - acostado
simple - sencillo
cracks - grietas
enlightened - ilustrado
funny - gracioso
hallway - pasillo
ignored - ignorado

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