Yea niggas, Welcome to Dade County

Where we slang rocks that claim blocks

And those red and blue lights just keep our streets hot

C'mon and ride with a nigga so I can show you what Dade County really got

See don't be fooled by South Beach

Thinking when you come to the Bottom you can just run these streets

You and your jewels are like a menu

And trust me nigga we intend to eat

Fuck around and cross that I-395

You just run into a bunch of dead end streets

Niggas with wifebeaters and bare feet

That's right, I'm talking straight goon style

Go beyond that about 3 miles and you're now entering the infamous Lil Havana

Now I know yall studio gangsters be vibing off the movie "Scarface"

wiring - alambrado
where - dónde
vibing - vibrando
triangle - triángulo
those - aquellos
thinking - pensando
these - estas
there - ahí
though - aunque
studio - estudio
south - sur
soldiers - soldados
slang - argot
scarface - caracortada
rocks - rocas
plugged - atascado
trees - árboles
spotlight - destacar
piled - amontonado
sister - hermana
niggas - Niggas
montana - Montana
cross - cruzar
place - lugar
connections - conexiones
infamous - infame
wrong - incorrecto
beach - playa
claim - Reclamación
gangsters - gangsters
bulletproof - a prueba de balas
holes - agujeros
around - alrededor
talking - hablando
other - otro
about - acerca de
bottom - fondo
style - estilo
consisted - consistió
faced - enfrentado
carol - villancico
whole - todo
childhood - infancia
chicago - chicago
miles - millas
straight - derecho
blocks - bloques
doctors - doctores
continuous - continuo
hurst - hurtar
welcome - bienvenido
county - condado
buried - enterrado
entering - entrando
beyond - más allá
family - familia
floor - piso
fooled - engañado
birth - nacimiento
havana - la habana
choppers - helicópteros
generations - generaciones
movie - película
intend - intentar
granddaddy - abuelo
brother - hermano
bunch - manojo
graveyard - cementerio
miami - miami
grandmother - abuela
really - de verdad
introduce - introducir
haiti - Haití
streets - calles
helicopters - helicópteros
jewels - joyas
right - derecho
lights - luces
trust - confianza
nigga - Nigga
lined - forrado
money - dinero

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