Prone to the grave, the dark side you walk

in the light of the morning we fall

Confront the brave, the rebel we stalk,

when we came - we saw - we conquered them all

Blessed when we die, confessed not a lie

in the still of the night we aware

Don't dare to cry, when fever up high

no escape - no break - your life we will take

Gone with the night

when the unholy demons of dawn

until - hasta
under - debajo
undead - no muertos
trust - confianza
times - veces
still - todavía
stalk - tallo
sanctum - santuario
unholy - impío
rebel - rebelde
prone - propenso
phantoms - fantasmas
saints - santos
midnight - medianoche
light - ligero
sunlight - luz de sol
calling - vocación
blood - sangre
bizarre - extraño
demons - demonios
invade - invadir
bloodred -
unite - unir
reborn - renacido
blessed - bendito
aware - consciente
brave - valiente
morning - mañana
crusade - cruzada
begin - empezar
raise - aumento
blade - espada
escape - escapar
murder - asesinato
confront - confrontar
conquered - conquistada
crawling - rastreo
break - descanso
confessed - confesado
fever - fiebre
night - noche
heaven - cielo
cursed - maldito
nocturnal - nocturno
fight - lucha
grave - tumba

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