We r the new power generation)

Don't pick my apples, don't pick my peaches

(we r the new power generation)

Leave my tree alone...leave it alone...leave it alone

(we r the new power generation)

Don't u look at me

(we r the new power generation)

If you're sad and u know it and u think u want to blow it

Let your feelings out, love is there

Just go!

Kid! Yo Kid!

I got ta do this, I got the noise, I got ta do this

So pump the big noise, c'mon in the house...

This here rap's about the true confession

If ya listen close u 'bout to learn a lesson

U must know failure before success

Now this is the failure I must confess (well...)

I was hanging onto life trying deal with this

within - dentro
truth - verdad
tonight - esta noche
think - pensar
there - ahí
taken - tomado
success - éxito
strong - fuerte
somthing - algo
games - juegos
apples - manzanas
going - yendo
where - dónde
destroy - destruir
again - de nuevo
somebody - alguien
dismissed - despedido
confession - confesión
confess - confesar
failure - fracaso
bottom - fondo
house - casa
nowhere - en ninguna parte
doubt - duda
leave - salir
power - poder
alone - solo
spirit - espíritu
playing - jugando
cocaine - cocaína
listen - escucha
feelings - sentimientos
before - antes de
christ - Cristo
close - cerca
trying - molesto
called - llamado
cannot - no poder
control - controlar
preacher - predicador
something - alguna cosa
generation - generacion
thing - cosa
reach - alcanzar
flesh - carne
hanging - colgando
almost - casi
headed - con membrete
wrong - incorrecto
jesus - Jesús
lesson - lección
learn - aprender
steal - robar
about - acerca de
message - mensaje
tonite - tonita
remember - recuerda
peaches - melocotones
place - lugar
point - punto
right - derecho
noise - ruido
party - fiesta
shake - sacudir

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