You come to me at midnight and say, 'It's dark in here.'

You know you robbed me of my sight, and light is what I fear

I tell you that I can not see but you persist in showing me

those bangles that I paid for long ago

And though my face is smiling I'm really feeling low

and though you say you're with me I know that it's not so

Your skin crawls up an octave, your teeth have lost their gleam

window - ventana
throw - lanzar
unknown - desconocido
though - aunque
still - todavía
snuggle - acurrucarse
sings - canta
water - agua
seeps - filtra
rings - anillos
rhyme - rima
sight - visión
cream - crema
feeling - sensación
those - aquellos
octave - octava
really - de verdad
teeth - dientes
crawls - rastrea
clotted - cuajaron
through - mediante
persist - persistir
peaches - melocotones
around - alrededor
chime - repicar
quarter - trimestre
bangles - brazaletes
plead - alegar
doorbell - timbre de la puerta
robbed - robado
reason - razón
faucet - grifo
drips - goteos
gleam - destello
watch - reloj
begins - comienza
light - ligero
smiling - sonriente
showing - demostración
gloom - oscuridad
their - su
closer - cerca
midnight - medianoche

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