She wandered through the garden fence

and said, 'I've brought at great expense

a potion guaranteed to bring

relief from all your suffering.'

And though I said, 'You don't exist,'

she grasped me firmly by the wrist

and threw me down upon my back

and strapped me to her torture rack

And, without further argument

tongue - lengua
through - mediante
think - pensar
suffering - sufrimiento
strapped - atado con correa
speak - hablar
somebody - alguien
shame - vergüenza
wandered - deambular
relief - alivio
potion - poción
worse - peor
maybe - tal vez
guaranteed - garantizada
brain - cerebro
threw - arrojó
thought - pensamiento
blame - culpa
without - sin
again - de nuevo
wrist - muñeca
brought - trajo
could - podría
grasped - agarrado
myself - mí mismo
cannot - no poder
found - encontró
bring - traer
hastened - acelerado
believed - creído
argument - argumento
torment - tormento
devious - tortuoso
garden - jardín
reply - respuesta
exist - existe
torture - tortura
expense - gastos
firmly - firmemente
voice - voz
though - aunque
further - promover
course - curso
fence - cerca
great - estupendo

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