I spy a boy, I spy a girl

I spy the worst place in the world

In the whole wide world

Oh you didn't do bad, you made it out

I'm still stuck here, oh but I'll get out

Oh yeah, I'll get out

Can't you see the giant that walks among you

Seeing through your petty lives?

Do you think I do these things for real?

I do these things just so I survive

And you know I will survive

It may look to the untrained eye

I'm sitting on my arse all day

I'm biding time until I take you all on

I want to, hear this

I will prevail, I cannot fail

'Cos I spy

Oh, I've got your number, taken notes

I know the ways your minds work, I've studied

And your minds are just the same as mine

Except that you are clever swines

You never let your mask slip, you never admit to it

You're never hurried, oh no no no

And every night I hone my plan

How I will get my satisfaction

How I will blow your paradise away, away, away

'Cos I spy

And it's just like in the old days

I used to compose my own critical notices in my head

worst - peor
world - mundo
woman - Mujer
wanted - querido
until - hasta
unexpectedly - inesperadamente
touched - tocado
together - juntos
thousands - miles
think - pensar
things - cosas
weeks - semanas
taking - tomando
taken - tomado
grass - césped
afternoon - tarde
prevail - prevalecer
plaque - placa
drinking - bebida
dresses - vestidos
dinner - cena
except - excepto
swines - Cerdos
indeed - en efecto
corners - esquinas
bones - huesos
control - controlar
masterful - maestro
front - frente
corner - esquina
biding - biding
grove - arboleda
minds - mentes
place - lugar
clever - inteligente
cause - porque
chose - eligió
chest - pecho
bicycle - bicicleta
whole - todo
dragged - arrastrado
giant - gigante
designer - diseñador
provence -
favourite - favorito
crowd - multitud
dryness - sequedad
exactly - exactamente
compose - componer
catch - captura
smoke - fumar
living - vivo
again - de nuevo
critical - crítico
admit - admitir
among - entre
brandy - brandy
birds - aves
night - noche
burns - quemaduras
through - mediante
above - encima
cigarettes - Cigarrillos
never - nunca
champagne - champán
chance - oportunidad
beating - paliza
untrained - inexperto
cheek - mejilla
hatch - escotilla
haves - tener
hurried - apresurado
cannot - no poder
imagining - imaginando
these - estas
lines - líneas
notes - notas
stuck - atascado
lives - vive
walks - camina
messing - ensuciar
midnight - medianoche
notices - avisos
should - debería
avoiding - evitando
outside - fuera de
against - en contra
paradise - paraíso
parks - parques
first - primero
parties - fiestas
shove - empujón
looks - mira
revenge - venganza
sickness - enfermedad
number - número
satisfaction - satisfacción
skilfully - hábilmente
stretched - estirado
seeing - viendo

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