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Rachel Platten - Lone Ranger traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

Lone Ranger - Rachel Platten

palabras a estudiar

Maybe I'm selfish call me see-through

But I'm debating if I really need to

Be tied, tied to someone forever

Sure I get lonely sometimes and miss being together but hey!

I wanna roam from city to city

Let the highway and the crowd fill the hunger that's in me

Fill up with fireworks and tell me I'm skinny

I could soak up the fire in the buzz they give me

Long nights, stay up late

Drink the sky, meditate

Open eyes, sunroof

Give me miles, give me truth

Sometimes I get high, sometimes I get low

But I’m calm as can be in a room full of strangers

But oh my, don’t try to get close

I’m just going to leave because I’m a lone ranger

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na