You spend an awful lot of time in Massachutes

Seems Like every other week you've got a meeting waiting there

Business must be booming or could something else

Be moving in the air up there

You say that its important for our future

An executive on his way up has got to play the part

Each time duty calls you got to give it all

You've got with all your heart

When whoever's in New England is through with you

waiting - esperando
through - mediante
theres - hay
winds - vientos
spend - gastar
seems - parece
remember - recuerda
packed - lleno
things - cosas
something - alguna cosa
outta - fuera
north - norte
meeting - reunión
leave - salir
world - mundo
important - importante
blind - ciego
there - ahí
executive - ejecutivo
behind - detrás
better - mejor
again - de nuevo
before - antes de
boston - bostón
place - lugar
business - negocio
finds - encuentra
disappears - desaparece
always - siempre
winter - invierno
could - podría
heart - corazón
awful - horrible
other - otro
hallway - pasillo
moving - emocionante
beautiful - hermosa
england - inglaterra
calls - llamadas
every - jeder
booming - en auge
feels - siente
thing - cosa
forever - siempre
future - futuro

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