Through a smoke-filled glass on a desperate night
When the sole of my shoe lets in rain
When the heart's tired of running and the milk's gone sour
Will your feelings still be the same?
When the match won't light so the flames don't tremble
And the years are condemning us too
I'll need a soulmate to hold me and a friend for life
And I'm hoping it might be you
When I think of life as a chance not taken
Or as a compromise tinged with regret
years - años
tremble - temblar
tired - cansado
tinged - teñido
through - mediante
stand - estar
soulmate - alma gemela
taken - tomado
smoke - fumar
regret - lamentar
night - noche
still - todavía
might - podría
running - corriendo
desperate - desesperado
think - pensar
condemning - condenando
light - ligero
distant - distante
asylum - asilo
compromise - compromiso
coffee - café
chance - oportunidad
certain - cierto
paint - pintar
catch - captura
glass - vaso
knowledge - conocimiento
hoping - esperando
faith - fe
feelings - sentimientos
filled - lleno
flames - llamas
friend - amigo
walls - muros
breeding - cría
island - isla
match - partido
leave - salir
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