Masked souls and blackest minds, mandrakes of the dark
Pitch and poison in their veins, they wear the evil's mark
Corruption, hate and deepest scorn they teach
"Obey and work!" the holy law they preach
They've sold your soul, your flesh and blood to the whims of evil gods
They've changed the world to hell on earth to save their evil plots
With murder, war and treachery they rule
If you trust in their machinery you're a fool
Masquerade, hiding their black-heart
Masquerade, evil and dark
Masquerade, treason and lies
Masquerade, covers their evil eyes
world - mundo
keeping - acuerdo
earth - tierra
plots - parcelas
heart - corazón
revelation - revelación
flesh - carne
disguise - disfraz
preach - predicar
telling - narración
trust - confianza
hiding - ocultación
dripping - goteo
covers - cubiertas
ancient - antiguo
corruption - corrupción
blackest - el más oscuro
blood - sangre
minds - mentes
control - controlar
black - negro
murder - asesinato
appearances - apariciones
clouded - nublado
aware - consciente
changed - cambiado
chance - oportunidad
living - vivo
souls - almas
truth - verdad
masked - enmascarado
whims - caprichos
pitch - tono
treason - traición
devil - diablo
poison - veneno
religion - religión
conspiracy - conspiración
scorn - desdén
machinery - maquinaria
tales - cuentos
masquerade - mascarada
teach - enseñar
their - su
treachery - traición
deepest - más profundo
veins - venas
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