The night is black

Without a moon

The air is thick and still

The vigilantes gather on

The lonely torch lit hill

Features distorted in the flickering light

The faces are twisted and grotesque

Silent and stern in the sweltering night

The mob moves like demons possessed

Quiet in conscience, calm in their right

vigilantes - vigilantes
understand - entender
grotesque - grotesco
light - ligero
madmen - Hombres Locos
strangers - extraños
judge - juez
gather - reunir
infidels - infieles
immigrants - inmigrantes
hatred - odio
faces - caras
strangeness - extrañeza
flickering - parpadeo
features - caracteristicas
bookstore - librería
quiet - tranquilo
black - negro
conscience - conciencia
anger - enfado
confident - confidente
burning - ardiente
lonely - solitario
dangerous - peligroso
distorted - distorsionado
demons - demonios
ignorance - ignorancia
moves - movimientos
night - noche
righteous - justo
quick - rápido
theaters - teatros
right - derecho
silent - silencio
prejudice - perjudicar
stern - popa
shelves - estantería
still - todavía
without - sin
thick - grueso
ourselves - nosotros mismos
threaten - amenazar
sweltering - sofocante
there - ahí
their - su
those - aquellos
torch - antorcha
possessed - poseído
twisted - retorcido

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